Our Governors
A warm welcome from the Governors of St John’s Infant and Nursery School.
We'd like to take this opportunity to let you know more about the Governors and our involvement with the school. It is our role to work closely with the senior leadership team to ensure that St. John’s provides an excellent and enjoyable education for its pupils. The governing body brings together parents, teachers, local community members and representatives of the Church. We use our knowledge and experience to set the vision and strategic direction of the school. We hold the Executive Headteacher and Head of School to account for the educational performance of our pupils.
We are a committee of the Poppy Academy Trust.
If you want to contact the Chair of the Governors please email on chairofgovernors@stjohnsradlett.herts.sch.uk
Our governance diversity information is here.
Biddie O'Connor - Chair of Governors
Chair of Development Committee
Member of the Personnel Committee, linked Governor for Child Protection/Safeguarding and KS1.
Appointed on 29/11/2018, current term of office from 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2024.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Rev. Patrick Moriarty - Co-opted Governor
Linked Governor R.E.
Appointed on 29/09/22, current term of office from 29/09/22 to 28/09/26
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Alice Aharon - Executive Headteacher
Staff Governor
Appointed on 22/04/2014, current term of office from 22/04/14 to present
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Alice is on the SFC charity board and is a director for the DSMAT.
Jane Williams - Foundation Governor
Linked Governor for Inclusion and LAC.
Appointed on 04/02/2009, current term of office from 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2024.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Governor at Fair Field Junior School.
Nicola Mullett - Co-opted governor
Co-opted Governor
Appointed as a Parent Governor on 01/09/2014, current term of office from 01/07/2020 to 33/06/2024.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Trustee of Poppy Academy Trust.
Lana Gillam - Staff Governor
Appointed on 12/09/2015, current term of office from 01/09/23 to present
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Georgina Sturmer - Co-opted Governor
Appointed on 07/07/2022, current term of office from 07/07/22 to 06/07/26
Safeguarding Governor
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Folashike Wumi McDowall - Co-opted Governor
Appointed on 23/03/2023, current term of office from 23/03/23 to 22/03/27
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Vivienne Kauffer - Staff Governor (currently on Sabatical)
Link governor for well-being
Appointed on 01/05/2021, current term of office from 01/05/2021 to 30/04/2025.
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Sandra Sculley - Co-opted Governor
Appointed on 07/12/2023, current term of office from 07/12/2023 to 06/12/27
Curriculum Governor
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Rev. Oliver Blease - Foundation Governor
Foundation Diocesan Board Of Education
First appointed on 9 Dec 2021, current term of office from 9 Dec 2021 to 8 Dec 2025
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Richard Lambie - Parent Governor
Appointed on 07/12/2023, current term of office from 07/12/2023 to 06/12/27
Curriculum Governor
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Sophie Frais - Parent Governor
Appointed on 05/12/2024, current term of office from 05/12/2024 to 04/12/2028
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Lydia Hyde - Staff Governor
Appointed on 05/12/2024, current term of office from 05/12/2024 to 04/12/2025
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None